We believe that the best way to learn math is by doing - and struggling just a little bit to find the solution.
But sometimes, it can be really helpful to see each step along the path toward that solution. That's why we offer step-by-step explanations and/or response feedback to problems in many of our STEM courses.
Step by Step Solutions & Response Feedback
We currently offer step-by-step solutions and/or response feedback in the following courses:
Calculus | General | Quiz 1 | ✔ |
Statistics | ✔ (Ch. 1-6) | ✔ | ✔ |
Precalculus | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
College Algebra | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Example of a Step-by-Step Solution
Still Struggling?
In cases where step-by-step instructions are unavailable, or when you could use just a little more guidance, we recommend that you:
- Post your question in your course's discussion community for your peers.
- Contact us through the green circular button at the bottom of your Outlier platform.
- Tag Outlier in your community posts or replies by typing "@Outlier" and selecting Outlier from the pop-up menu.
- Get in touch with us!
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