About Outlier's Course Credits

Outlier's highly transferrable courses are made possible through our partnership with the University of Pittsburgh and Golden Gate University. 

Where Do Outlier’s Credits Come From?

For Individual Courses: When you successfully complete an individual Outlier course, you receive 3 college semester credits as well as an official transcript from the University of Pittsburgh. These credits are transferrable to other colleges and universities, subject to review and approval by the receiving institution.

For Degrees+ Courses: Credits obtained as part of a Degrees+ Associate degree are transcripted through Golden Gate University.

Course Numbers/Equivalents

The following table lists the course numbers for each Outlier course:

Course Name U Pitt Course Number GGU Course Number
College Algebra MATH 0019 MATH 60
College Writing I ENGWRT 0010 ENGL 61
Computer Science I CS 0109 CS 60
Fundamentals of Calculus I MATH 0217 MATH 62
Introduction to Astronomy ASTRON 0085 SCI 60
Principles of Economics ECON 0005 ECON 62
Financial Accounting ACCT 0100 ACCTG 61
Introduction to Business BUS 0015 BUS 60
Introduction to Microeconomics ECON 0106 ECON 61
Introduction to Macroeconomics ECON 0113 ECON 60
Introduction to Psychology PSY 0013 PSYCH 60
Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 0100 PHIL 60
Introduction to Sociology SOC 0013 SOSC 60
Introduction to Statistics STAT 0202 STATS 60
Precalculus MATH 0005 MATH 61

Course numbers are subject to change.

These course numbers may not apply to partner institutions. Please refer to your course syllabus or the Course toolkit page in your Student Dashboard for the correct course number for your term.

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