Transferring credits towards Golden Gate University Degrees+ programs

Many students have experience with college already, so why take the same course you’ve already completed? In this article, we’ll go over some frequently asked questions about transferring credits, determining credit transfer eligibility, and how to transfer them.   


I have previous college experience and want to transfer my college credits. Where do I send my transcripts when applying to the program? 

Great question! If you’re a student with previous credits and looking to transfer them into an Outlier degree, you’ll want to send your academic transcripts to Golden Gate University once you’ve applied for the program. Alternatively, during the application process, you can specify the schools you want GGU to reach out to and they’ll obtain up to 5 previous school’s transcripts

Once your transcripts have been received, a team of credit evaluators at Golden Gate University will review your transcripts and determine which credits will transfer into the program. You can email Golden Gate University at with your official transcript copies for pre-evaluation of transfer credits. 


Where can I quickly look to see if my transcripts will transfer?

To do a quick check on if your credits will transfer, you can use Golden Gate University’s transfer tool to see which of your courses may transfer: GGU Transfer Tool. You’ll want to contact the evaluators at if you have any questions about transferring credits. 


How many credits can I transfer to an Outlier degree program?

Rest assured your previous hard work in higher education won’t go unnoticed. Golden Gate University accepts up to 45 transfer credits to count towards an associate degree! This means you do not have to retake courses that you have already taken. You’ll want to go through the evaluation process with the credit evaluators at Golden Gate University, who will review your transcripts and transfer them into your Outlier degree program. 


I’m from a Military background. Can I transfer any of my military experience into the Outlier degree program?

Thank you for your service, and absolutely! Golden Gate University accepts up to 45 transfer credits, including 12 credits for your previous military service. You also may qualify for VA benefits through the GI program. To learn more about this please reach out to your VA contact or head to this link:


I previously took courses through Outlier. Can I apply and transfer my credits?

Thank you for being an Outlier! The answer is yes - you may transfer up to 45 credits from Outlier or any previous accredited institution into the Golden Gate Degrees+ program, powered by Outlier.

With GGU’s generous transfer policy, the credits you earned for prior Outlier courses are all guaranteed to transfer into your Degrees+ program. 


Can I transfer my earned credits through the Outlier degree to a different school/institution? Can I transfer my credits toward a bachelor’s degree?

Great question! Golden Gate University will accept any student with a Degree+ associate degree and a 2.5 GPA into their Bachelor's degree program. Once you’re enrolled and continue to do well, you have automatic acceptance into Golden Gate University for you to continue your Bachelor’s degree.

If you’re looking at a different school/institution other than Golden Gate University, we recommend contacting the Registrar at your desired school/institution/program for more information. Outlier-earned credits have successfully transferred to hundreds of institutions that award bachelor’s degrees, including Harvard, UC Berkeley, NYU, and many more. 

For more information, please visit the Outlier transfer credit page.


How can I transfer my associate degree credits to other schools?

When you apply to a future educational institution, you can send your transcripts from Golden Gate University to your desired school/institution. Your school will have a process for credit evaluation, similar to how Golden Gate University evaluates transcripts for the Outlier degree program. 


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