Outlier Student Eligibility

Are you thinking about taking a course with us? Learn to see if you are eligible before diving in.


Must be 13 or Older

Anyone 13 or older can take our courses.

We recommend students have earned at least a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.

When deciding which Outlier courses might work best for you, please consider the following:

  • Students attempting Outlier courses should be ready for college-level coursework.
  • Grades will be documented as part of the permanent academic record with the University of Pittsburgh.

If you're over 13, but under 18 years old, your parent or guardian will be required to sign a consent form before you can access the course material. You will be asked to provide their email as part of the registration process. 

Parents/Guardians of students enrolled in the Professional Communications course will also be required to sign up for a Zoom account on their student's behalf.


Not Ready for College-Level Material?

If you do not feel as though you are ready for college-level material, you may elect to audit the course instead of taking it for college credit.

When electing to “audit” a course, a student does not receive a grade or credits and does not participate in exams.

Outlier students who audit courses do so for self-enrichment and exploration. Auditing a course will have no bearing on GPA or academic standing.


Are you an international student?

Outlier courses are available to international students from most countries, subject to certain limited restrictions under U.S. trade law. Reach out to us for more information.

Are you a student at the University of Pittsburgh?

Actively enrolled students at any University of Pittsburgh campus are not eligible to take Outlier courses.

We encourage every student to receive pre-approval to transfer courses taken through Outlier. We’ve created a Transfer Credit Tool Kit for each step you would need to complete when approving and transferring your credits.

Head to this article for more information on transferring credits.


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