Technical Issues on Exams

First step: Don’t panic! 

Having technical issues with exams? We are here to help! Read this article to get back to your exam, get help on Proctorio, and learn how to report an incorrectly marked answer.


If your exam is closing soon and you're having trouble starting it, learn how to easily request a 24hr extension: Requesting an Extension


Go to this article for issues on Proctorio.

Did you get kicked out of your exam?

Don’t worry! You will be able to log back into your Outlier exam and pick up where you left off.

Occasionally, our proctoring service, Proctorio, removes students after a period of inactivity or change in the network connection. It will always save your progress!

You must return to your exam (the same way you entered it) as soon as possible.


A couple of quick notes:

  • Return to your test without taking any detours - reviewing course material before diving back in will result in an academic integrity violation. Exams must be completed in one sitting.
  • Make sure your internet connection is stable. If Proctorio detects a network change or failure, it may exit you from your exam prematurely. Once again, you should be able to re-enter and pick up where you left off.


Incorrectly Marked Answer?

If you believe your answer on a quiz was correct but was marked as wrong by the site, use the feedback button at the bottom right corner of the screen to have a human review your quiz question.


When submitting your feedback, it’s useful to provide as much context and background as possible! A screenshot of the full question, including your answer and the site’s answer, is necessary.


Once submitted, we’ll evaluate the problem and, if appropriate, adjust your score on the back end to reflect your correct answer.

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