Managing Your Outlier Account

In this article, we’ll cover how the “Account” section of the menu in the right-hand corner of your Outlier site can help make changes to your personal information, transfer credits, and manage your courses.

account_menu.png    account_page.png

  1. Personal info
  2. Credit transfer
  3. Course Management
  4. Tokens
  5. Login + security


Personal info

In the personal info tab, change your legal name, preferred name, and phone number. You can do this by clicking “Edit” on the right-hand side.

The name on your account must match your legal ID (the same one you present to the proctoring service during exams). This is because your credits at Outlier are relayed to your official academic record.

You can always modify your “Preferred name” to let us know how you would like to be addressed.


Credit Transfer

In the credit transfer tab, you can see which courses are ready to be transferred. By clicking the “Continue” button, you will be directed to the University of Pittsburgh’s course transfer page.

Keep in mind that transcripts cannot be requested until 10 days after a course’s final exam has closed. If you’re not seeing anything in this section—you may just be ahead of the game!

Learn more about transfer credits here.

Course Management

In this tab, you will be able to manage your course enrollment status. Learn about the various options to change your status and exit your course.



In this tab, you will be able to see how many tokens you currently have, as well as how many out of all Outlier courses you are enrolled in.

One token covers the cost of one seat in an Outlier course. Learn more about Tokens here.


Login + security

Here, you can update the email address or password associated with their account.

Updating your email address requires that you first enter your new email address and current password. You must then verify your new email address before the changes are finalized.


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