Preparing for Your Exam

Almost ready to take your exam? Or even study a bit more…

Read more about the do's & don'ts for your upcoming exam, as well as our exam technological and academic integrity requirements.

Technology Requirements

Remote Learners

Before starting an exam, students in the 14-week courses or remote learners in 39-week courses should ensure they meet all of the following technological requirements.

Operating System
  • macOS X 10.5 or higher
  • Windows Vista or higher

Proctorio does not support Linux or Chrome OS.

  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Chromebook

iPad, tablets, and cell phones do not meet our requirements.

  • Webcam (Built-In or External)
  • Microphone
  • Speakers 


Free Disk Space 250 MB


Free RAM 2 GB


Internet Speed
  • Download 2Mbps
  • Upload 2Mbps

Hot spots are not recommended.
Check your internet speed here.


Google Chrome

Pop-Up Blocker must be disabled


Computer should be connected to a power source

Dual monitors, phones, and headphones are not permitted for use.

Note: your computer is required to have a minimum of 2GB free RAM memory to ensure proper access and functioning of the proctoring tool. You will receive a warning if your computer has less than 2GB available at the start of your exam. It is your responsibility to free up available RAM or find an alternate device if this occurs.

Always remember to disable any VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your device before taking an exam.

View Proctorio's technical requirements in full here.

In-Classroom Learners

In-classroom learners in 39-week courses with live proctoring will need to make sure their device meets all of the technical requirements to access Outlier's LMS. We recommend plugging your computer into a power source (or having it fully charged) and ensuring a strong connection to a reliable internet source. 

Take a look at this checklist to prepare for your in-person exam.


Academic Integrity

We require that you use our exam proctoring service, Proctorio, to ensure academic integrity during exams. You can access the proctoring service by clicking the teal “Start” button for your exam and following the prompts.

As a reminder, your exam must be taken in a quiet, distraction-free environment and you must remain visible on camera for the duration of the exam. You can review our Academic Integrity policy and the pledge that you signed as a student for a full list of exam rules. 

Having Proctorio issues? 


Photo ID

Before starting your exam with our proctoring service, you will be required to show a valid photo ID to the camera as proof of your identity.

The most common types of photo ID are a driver's license/state ID or a passport.

If you do not have these types of ID, you can use another form of identification as long as it shows a picture of you and your full name (examples include a student ID, military ID or similar).

Failure to show a valid form of ID may result in your exam being flagged as violating Outlier's Academic Integrity policy.

Our team will review any flags and reach out to individuals that were not unable to provide valid identification. Failure to respond to our outreach or provide an ID in a timely manner may result in a 0% grade on your exam.

What to Use and Not Use on an Exam

All Courses

Do Use: Don’t Use:
  • Blank sheet of scratch paper
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Calculator*


If you are using a blank sheet of paper, it must be held up to the camera before starting your exam.

  • Headphones
  • Notes
  • Textbooks
  • Any secondary device (cell phone, tablet, smart watch, etc.)
  • External Web Pages

This is enforced by our proctoring service. Learn more about our Academic Integrity policy here.

*permitted for certain STEM Courses; please see details below.

STEM Courses

For calculations in any of our STEM Courses, you are permitted to use Desmos Scientific and, in some courses, Desmos Graphing/RStudio. While in the exam, the linked resources permitted to you will be available underneath the exam questions.


Desmos Scientific

Calculator *1 Formula Sheets/ Tables *2
Astronomy Permitted N/A Permitted N/A N/A
Calculus I Permitted Permitted Permitted N/A N/A
College Algebra Permitted N/A N/A N/A Permitted
Financial Accounting N/A N/A Permitted N/A N/A
Precalculus Permitted N/A N/A N/A Permitted
Statistics Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted


*1: If you are using a handheld calculator, it must be held up to the camera before starting your exam.

*2: Depending on your course, you may have access to a Formula Sheet or a Statistical Table. A Formula Sheet is a PDF document containing relevant formulas for your exam. A Statistical Table shows the critical values. Each page has a description of the data shown so you know how to use it. If available in your course, you can download these documents in the Informational Section before your Exam (Midterm or Final). They can be used to practice and study. For exams, the tables are available as a link below each relevant question. Students are not permitted to use their own formula sheets or statistical tables. Outlier’s Statistical Sheets and Formula tables may not be printed to use during the exam, as they are only approved for specific questions.

Ready to take your exam?

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