Taking an Exam

Ready to take your exam? You got this!

Make sure you have everything you need before starting.

Running into Technical Difficulties on your Exam?


Accessing Your Exam

There are two quick ways to access your exam within Outlier.


Via the Exam Banner

1. Log into your Student Dashboard.

2. When your exam window is open, you should see a banner at the top saying, "It's exam time!"

3. Press "Start" to begin your exam.



Via the Course Homepage

1. Log into your Student Dashboard.

2. Scroll down to "My Courses"

3. Click on your course.

4. Scroll to your desired exam.

5. Press the "Start" button.



Note: In-classroom learners will need to have their Outlier Administrator enter the exam key before they can begin the exam.


Exam Overview

Learn about the exam software and get familiar with the tools offered!

Navigation Side Panel

When you enter the exam, the panel view will provide you with 2 views.

List View


Grid View


Both layouts display an overview of the number of questions in the assessment, overall progress and feedback, and pins.


Exam Pro Tips

1. Put a Pin In It


The pin feature allows you to “put a pin in it,” if a question appears more challenging or more time-consuming, click the pin and mark it for yourself later.


For the list view, the pin icon appears beside the marked question. For the grid view, a small dot appears on the top right corner of the bubble.


How Can it Help?
The pin is interactive during the exam and even after! Our system retains the pinning, so you can go back to the exam and review your pinned questions.

According to university test-taking guidelines: answer the easy questions first.

  1. This will give you the confidence and momentum to get through the rest of the test.
  2. While looking over the test and doing the easy questions, your subconscious mind will have been working on the answers to the hardest ones.
  3. Try not to spend too much time on one question, as later items on the test might give you useful or needed information for earlier items.

2. Hiding Answers

Another great feature is that you can hide options you believe to be incorrect. Clicking the eye icon will remove the fill from the answer. If the answer is hidden, the selection for that answer will be disabled.


How Can it Help?
This idea comes from exam-taking guides from top universities, which encourage students to cross out multiple-choice options they know or believe to be incorrect. This will help improve your exam success rate!

As you continue through the exam and potentially come across more information that helps you hide more options, this will help you choose the best answer!


3. Completion Modals

Sometimes, Outlier exams can contain many questions, and it is easy to forget to answer one or two. Once you browse all the questions and reach the final question, the software will double-check that you have completed every question.



Simply, the software will not allow you to turn in your exam until you have answered every question!


Note: In-classroom learners will need to have their Outlier Administrator present to view them clicking the button to submit their exam.

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