Written Word Assignments

Courses that include a writing component require original written-word assignments to be submitted throughout the cohort. These assignments must be submitted by the deadline (unless you require an extension) and may not be turned in at your own pace.

Formatting Your Writing

Outlier offers you two methods for submitting your written assignments:

  • Upload a Document or
  • Copy/Paste in our native text field

Document Upload

Any of the following file types are acceptable for submitting a written-word assignment:

  • Microsoft Word (.doc OR .docx)
  • Rich Text File (.rtf)
  • Text File (.txt)
  • Portable Document Format (.pdf)
  • Open Office Document File (.odt)


Native Text Field

Outlier's native text field does not offer the same text-formatting functionality that you would find within word processing applications like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To submit your written work, you may notice that text-formatting controls (such as B, i, U) are unavailable.


APA Guidelines

Whenever possible, your assignments should include a page number (please note, when using the native text field, a page number will not be applicable), abstract, and references as stated in the APA guidelines. These elements are all components of the APA Formatting Guidelines. Regarding APA spacing and indentations requirements, when using the in-course text field, you may be unable to follow the exact guidelines. In this circumstance, our graders are most concerned with in-text citations and references.


Who Grades Your Writing

Most of the learning in Outlier courses happens within the product itself. Unlike what you may have experienced in other college courses, we have success coordinators supporting the courses instead of TAs or faculty.

All written assignments are graded by evaluators holding at least a bachelor’s degree in the subject matter they are grading (and, in some cases, graduate degrees).

You can expect a grade and feedback within 3 business days of the assignment deadline.

There might be a slight delay when assignments are due on a Friday. For example, if your assignment was due on Friday at 12 pm EST, you can expect a grade and feedback within 3 business days - meaning most likely the following week.

If it has been longer than 3 business days since your assignment deadline and you are still unable to see your grade and feedback, please reach out to us!

Learn more about the Writing Course you are enrolled in by accessing your course’s resources.


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